Champagne Baron Dauvergne


  • Cute for pictures: 4/5

  • QPR: 5/5

  • Main varietals: Blanc de Noir Champagne

  • Tasting fee: None, purchased a few bottles

I’ve been loving Blanc de Noirs from Bouzy and wanted to visit a few producers in the area. I remembered trying a bottle from this producer at a bar in Korea and decided to visit. The entire visit actually ended up being a super fun memory because their secretary/host who speaks english was unexpectedly out and the “retired” 3rd generation wine maker Hubert greeted us, in French.

They specialize in Blanc de Noir and Rosé Champagnes using Pinot Noir grapes in Bouzy and Hubert’s son Vincent currently manages and makes Champagnes. The family lives on the property and they have an underground cave with an open elevator. Overall super fun visit and great Champagnes at a great value, at ~$30-50 from the winery.

More about Baron Dauvergne: Website

Domain Jacques Selosse


  • Cute for pictures: 3/5

  • QPR: 5/5 for tasting, 3/5 for bottles

  • Main varietals: Blanc de Blanc Champagne

  • Tasting fee: €50

Jacques Selosse champagnes at this point almost have a cult following (and price to match) and it’s pretty hard to find any bottle outside of France. The best way to taste and find his wines are at their winery and B&B les Avisés. They host tasting sessions (pending Mr. Selosse’s schedule) for hotel guests on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

Every tasting session is unique as Mr. Selosse will taste from different barrels and open different bottles. But all includes barrel tasting and lots of delicious Champagnes that range $400-1,000+ per bottle outside of France.

If you love Champagne, this is a must stop. The hotel’s restaurant has awesome food and wine list as well so definitely worth the stay. I’ve already been twice and can’t wait to go back!

More about Jacques Selosse: Website