Castello Tricerchi


  • Cute for pictures: 5/5

  • QPR: 5/5

  • Main varietals: Brunello di Montalcino, Rosso di Montalcino (Sangiovese)

  • Tasting fee: starts at €35

Castello Tricerchi is located in the northern part of Montalcino, which is a cooler climate are compared to rest of the region. This translates to their brighter, more delicate wines which I loved! Winery is built on the castle from 1400s and you can still see parts of the original castle. Such a fun historical place with an amazing view from the top. Most of their wines were sold out so we didn’t get to buy any bottles but enjoyed 2019 Brunello di Montalcino (wasn’t available for sale yet as we went at the end of 2023) and the Rosso. Bottles are affordable and you get the small family owned vibe here.

More about Castello Tricerchi: Website